CML無線調制解調器 CMX469AD3
CML無線調制解調器 CMX469AD3屬性
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CML無線調制解調器 CMX469AD3描述
CMX469A: 1200/2400/4800 Baud FFSK/MSK Modem
The CMX469A is a single-chip CMOS LSI circuit which operates as a full-duplex pin-selectable 1200, 2400 or 4800 baud FFSK Modem.The mark and space frequencies are 1200/1800, 1200/2400 and 2400/4800Hz respectively. Tone frequencies are phase continuous; transitions occur at the zero crossing point.Employing a common Xtal oscillator with a choice of two clock frequencies (1.008MHz or 4.032MHz) to provide baud-rate, transmit frequencies, and Rx and Tx synchronisation, the transmitter and receiver operate entirely independently including individual section powersave functions.
The CMX469A includes on-chip circuitry for Carrier Detect and Rx Clock recovery, both of which are made available as output pins. Rx, Tx and Carrier Detect paths each contain a bandpass filter to ensure the provision of optimum signal conditions both in the modem and for the Tx modulation circuitry.
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