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三菱射頻功放模塊 RA03M8894M

三菱射頻功放模塊 RA03M8894M產品圖片
  • 發布時間:2020/3/27 14:55:13
  • 所屬類別:傳感器 » 溫度傳感器
  • 公    司:深圳雙信達智能科技有限公司
  • 聯 系 人:銷售部
  • 三菱射頻功放模塊 RA03M8894M供應商

三菱射頻功放模塊 RA03M8894M屬性

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三菱射頻功放模塊 RA03M8894M描述

MITSUBISHI RF MOSFET MODULE RA03M8894M RoHS Compliance , 889-941MHz 3.6W 7.2V, 2 Stage Amp. For PORTABLE RADIO

RA03M8894M MITSUBISHI PACKAGE CODE: H46S 1 RF Input (Pin) 2 Gate Voltage (VGG), Power Control 3 Drain Voltage (VDD), Battery 4 RF Output (Pout) 5 RF Ground (Case) BLOCK DIAGRAM 3 2451

The RA03M8894M is a 3.6-watt RF MOSFET Amplifier Module for 7.2-volt portable radios that operate in the 889- to 941-MHz range. The battery can be connected directly to the drain of the enhancement-modeMOSFET transistors. Without the gate voltage (VGG=0V), only a small leakage current flows into the drain and the RF input signal attenuates up to 60 dB. The output power and drain current increase as the gate voltage increases. With a gate voltage around 2.5V (minimum), output power and drain current increases substantially. The nominal output power becomes available at 3V (typical) and 3.5V (maximum). At VGG=3.5V, the typical gate current is 1 mA. This module is designed for non-linear FM modulation, but may also be used for linear modulation by setting the drain quiescent current with the gate voltage and controlling the output power with the input power.

FEATURES • Enhancement-Mode MOSFET Transistors (IDD≅0 @ VDD=7.2V, VGG=0V) • Pout>3.6W @ VDD=7.2V, VGG=3.5V, Pin=50mW • ηT>32% @ Pout=3W (VGGcontrol), VDD=7.2V, Pin=50mW • Broadband Frequency Range: 889-941MHz • Low-Power Control Current IGG=1mA (typ) at VGG=3.5V • Module Size: 30 x 10 x 5.4 mm • Linear operation is possible by setting the quiescent drain current with the gate voltage and controlling the output power with the input power RoHS COMPLIANT • RA03M8894M-101 is a RoHS compliant products. • RoHS compliance is indicate by the letter “G” after the Lot Marking. • This product include the lead in the Glass of electronic parts and the

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  • 聯系人:銷售部
  • 地 址:廣東省深圳市深圳南山區科技園產學研樓706
  • 郵 編:518000
  • 電 話:0755-83376489 8337628
  • 傳 真:0755-83376182
  • 郵 箱:xjr5@163.com
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