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LF147J/883 LF147 寬帶四路 JFET 輸入運算放大器 DIP14

發布時間:2016/10/24 15:06:00 訪問次數:471 發布企業:深圳市銀芯龍科技有限公司

LF147 寬帶四路 JFET 輸入運算放大器





The LF147 is a low cost, high speed quad JFET input operational amplifier with an internally trimmed input offset voltage (BI-FET II technology). The device requires a low supply current and yet maintains a large gain bandwidth product and a fast slew rate. In addition, well matched high voltage JFET input devices provide very low input bias and offset currents. The LF147 is pin compatible with the standard LM148. This feature allows designers to immediately upgrade the overall performance of existing LF148 and LM124 designs.

The LF147 may be used in applications such as high speed integrators, fast D/A converters, sample-and-hold circuits and many other circuits requiring low input offset voltage, low input bias current, high input impedance, high slew rate and wide bandwidth. The device has low noise and offset voltage drift.

LF147J/883產品特性 Internally Trimmed Offset Voltage: 5 mV max Low Input Bias Current: 50 pA Low Input Noise Current: 0.01 pA/√Hz Wide Gain Bandwidth: 4 MHz High Slew Rate: 13 V/μs Low Supply Current: 7.2 mA High Input Impedance: 1012Ω Low Total Harmonic Distortion: ≤0.02% Low 1/f Noise Corner: 50 Hz Fast Settling Time to 0.01%: 2 μs

公 司:深圳市裕碩科技有限公司
網 址:www.yushuokj.com
手 機:13510131896歐陽小姐
電 話:0755-82767795/23615309
傳 真:0755-23613962
Q Q:1184826453





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