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UCC27712D 高側/低側柵極驅動器

發布時間:2017/11/1 17:57:00 訪問次數:449

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UCC27712D UCC27712DR 有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格



The UCC27712 is a 620-V high-side and low-side gate driver with 1.8-A source, 2.8-A sink current, targeted to drive power MOSFETs or IGBTs.

The recommended VDD operating voltage is 10-V to 20-V for IGBT’s and 10-V to 17-V for power MOSFETs.

The UCC27712 includes protection features where the outputs are held low when the inputs are left open or when the minimum input pulse width specification is not met. Interlock and deadtime functions prevent both outputs from being turned on simultaneously. In addition, the device accepts a wide range bias supply range from 10 V to 22 V, and offers UVLO protection for both the VDD and HB bias supply.

Developed with TI’s state of the art high-voltage device technology, the device features robust drive with excellent noise and transient immunity including large negative voltage tolerance on its inputs, high dV/dt tolerance, wide negative transient safe operating area (NTSOA) on the switch node (HS), and interlock.

The device consists of one ground-referenced channel (LO) and one floating channel (HO) which is designed for operating with bootstrap or isolated power supplies. The device features fast propagation delays and excellent delay matching between both channels. On the UCC27712, each channel is controlled by its respective input pins, HI and LI.


High-Side and Low-Side Configuration

Dual Inputs With Output Interlock and 150-ns Deadtime

Fully Operational up to 620-V, 700-V Absolute Maximum on HB Pin

10-V to 20-V VDD Recommended Range

Peak Output Current 2.8-A Sink, 1.8-A Source

dv/dt Immunity of 50 V/ns

Logic Operational up to –11 V on HS Pin

Negative Voltage Tolerance On Inputs of –5 V

Large Negative Transient Safe Operating Area

UVLO Protection for Both Channels

Small Propagation Delay (100-ns Typical)

Delay Matching (12-ns Typical)

Floating Channel Designed for Bootstrap Operation

Low Quiescent Current

TTL and CMOS Compatible Inputs

Industry Standard SOIC-8 Package

All Parameters Specified Over Temperature Range, –40 °C to +125 °C

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主營 : 主動電子元器件 集成電路 IC 芯片 (AD TI MAX NXP ST LT XILINX ALTERA)等。


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銷售經理:朱宜華 深圳市燁弘軒電子有限公司 深圳市福田區上步工業區204棟5樓東座516室

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