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UCC21225ANPLR Isolated Dual-Channel Gate Driver

發布時間:2017/11/2 9:47:00 訪問次數:446

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UCC21225ANPLR CC21225ANPLT 有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格



The UCC21225A is an isolated dual-channel gate driver with 4-A source and 6-A sink peak current in a space-saving 5 mm x 5 mm LGA-13 package. It is designed to drive power MOSFETs, IGBTs, and SiC MOSFETs up to 5-MHz with best-in-class propagation delay and pulse-width distortion, in applications requiring the highest power density.

The input side is isolated from the two output drivers by a 2.5-kVRMSreinforced isolation barrier, with a minimum of 100-V/ns common-mode transient immunity (CMTI). Internal functional isolation between the two secondary-side drivers allows a working voltage of up to 700-VDC.

This driver can be configured as two low-side drivers, two high-side drivers, or a half-bridge driver with programmable dead time (DT). A disable pin shuts down both outputs simultaneously when it is set high, and allows normal operation when left open or grounded. As a fail-safe measure, primary-side logic failures force both outputs low.

The device accepts VDD supply voltages up to 25-V. A wide input VCCI range from 3-V to 18-V makes the driver suitable for interfacing with both analog and digital controllers. All the supply voltage pins have under voltage lock-out (UVLO) protection.

With all these advanced features, the UCC21225A enables high power density, high efficiency, and robustness in a wide variety of power applications.


Universal: Dual Low-Side, Dual High-Side or Half-Bridge Driver

5 x 5 mm, Space-Saving LGA-13 Package

Operating Temperature Range –40°C to +125°C

Switching Parameters:

19-ns Typical Propagation Delay

10-ns Minimum Pulse Width

5-ns Maximum Delay Matching

6-ns Maximum Pulse-Width Distortion

Common-Mode Transient Immunity (CMTI) Greater than 100-V/ns

Surge Immunity up to 4600-V

4-A Peak Source, 6-A Peak Sink Output

TTL and CMOS Compatible Inputs

3-V to 18-V Input VCCI Range to Interface with Both Digital and Analog Controllers

Up to 25-V VDD Output Drive Supply with 5-V UVLO

Programmable Dead Time

Rejects Input Pulses and Noise Transients Shorter than 5-ns

Fast Disable for Power Sequencing

Safety-Related and Regulatory Approvals:

3535-VPKIsolation per DIN V VDE V 0884-10 and DIN EN 61010-1 (Planned)

2500-VRMSIsolation for 1 Minute per UL 1577 (Planned)

CSA Component Acceptance Notice 5A, IEC 60950-1 IEC 61010-1 End Equipment Standards (Planned)

CQC Certification per GB4943.1-2011 (Planned)

深圳市燁弘軒電子有限公司,我司2011年成立于中國經濟特區深圳.我司專注于為全球電子企業提供優質的電子零件供應服務,竭力打造全球品牌元器件零售與批量供應中心。專業經營各類電子元器件(集成電路IC,存儲芯片,分立器件,電源,無源元件,連接器,繼電器,傳感器,光電子,開關,保險元件,緊固件,開發工具,變壓器,測試與測量等)。 我們以低成本提供全方位一站式電子元件供應鏈采購方案,包括但不僅限于電子元件緊急物料搜尋,電子元件齊套供應、電子元件降低成本的長期供應,庫存寄售等一系列供應鏈解決方案。優勢供應各類電子組件.


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主營 : 主動電子元器件 集成電路 IC 芯片 (AD TI MAX NXP ST LT XILINX ALTERA)等。


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銷售經理:朱宜華 深圳市燁弘軒電子有限公司 深圳市福田區上步工業區204棟5樓東座516室

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