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發布時間:2019/10/15 9:52:00 訪問次數:132 發布企業:深圳市和諧世家電子有限公司

a" data-cycle-center-horz="true" data-cycle-timeout="10000" cookie-tracking="ref_page_type=SP;ref_page_sub_type=PH;ref_page_id=%7BFD5CFB55-5B6F-46AF-AB65-B5D8F40AEAC3%7D;ref_page_event=Supplier%20Link;header_flag=link" style="margin-bottom:25px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, dk;white-space:normal;position:relative;"> Vishay/Siliconix SQJ407EP and SQJ409EP Automotive-Grade MOSFETs Vishay’s MOSFETs with gullwing leads use 50% less space over DPAK

Image of Vishay Siliconix's SQJ407EP and <a href=SQJ409EP Automotive Grade MOSFETs" width="200" src="https://www.digikey.cn/-/media/Images/Product%20Highlights/V/Vishay%20-%20Siliconix/SQJ407EP%20and%20SQJ409EP%20Automotive%20Grade%20MOSFETs/SQJ407EP-and-SQJ409EP-200.jpg?ts=24acece3-bcd8-41cc-9ee0-558aec33c1c0&la=zh-CN-RMB" title="Vishay Siliconix's SQJ407EP and SQJ409EP Automotive Grade MOSFETs" style="float:right;margin:0px 0px 10px 15px;max-width:100%;height:auto;" />Vishay's-30V and -40V automotive-grade p-channel TrenchFET® power MOSFETs in the PowerPAK SO-8L package with gullwing leads are designed for increased board-level reliability. Providing more than a 50% reduction in mounting area compared to devices in the DPAK, the AEC-Q101 qualified SQJ407EP and SQJ409EP save PCB space and lower costs while delivering lower on-resistance than any MOSFET with gullwing leads in the 5mm by 6 mmfootprint. As p-channel MOSFETs, the devices make ideal load switches that do not require a charge pump to provide the positive gate bias needed by their n-channel counterparts. Gullwing leads provide mechanical stress relief during temperature cycling, board flexing, vibration, and drop incidents. Both SQJ407EP and SQJ409EP offer excellent board-level reliability compared to rigid QFN packages and facilitate more consistent and dependable results from automatic optical inspection (AOI) processes. Applications include reverse-polarity battery protection and high-side switching for motor drives and main power supplies in 12 V automotive systems.

Features Compact 5mm x 6mm PowerPAK SO-8L package saves PCB space Gullwing leads increase board-level reliability Extremely low on-resistance down to 4.4mΩ (SQJ407EP) and 7.0mΩ (SQJ409EP) at 10V High temperature operation to +175°C Lead-free, halogen-free, and RoHS-compliant 100% Rg and UIS tested





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