
位置:51電子網 » 企業新聞


發布時間:2019/10/16 9:12:00 訪問次數:136 發布企業:深圳市和諧世家電子有限公司

a" data-cycle-center-horz="true" data-cycle-timeout="10000" cookie-tracking="ref_page_type=SP;ref_page_sub_type=PH;ref_page_id=%7B08517BEB-2939-45B8-9EAB-80705C892C93%7D;ref_page_event=Supplier%20Link;header_flag=link" style="margin-bottom:25px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, dk;white-space:normal;position:relative;"> Molex Inc VersaBlade Wire-to-Wire Connector System Molex's VersaBlade Connector System offers superior mating reliability, easy assembly, and cost savings for white goods and HVAC applications

Image of Molex's VersaBlade Wire-to-Wire Connector SystemIn wire-to-wire applications, operators sometimes fail to ensure proper mating, which can lead to end-product failures.Molex'sVersaBlade wire-to-wire connectors offer color-coded housings and terminals with a dimple, helping to ease mating orientation identification, and terminal position assurance (TPA) to ensure that terminals are fully locked in the correct position.

Rugged consumer and medical applications can be subject to shock, vibration, or rough handling that can dislodge terminals and cause signal interference. VersaBlade wire-to-wire connectors feature friction and positive-lock options that provide high-retention force for improved reliability in rugged environments.

To meet customer-design flexibility, Molex VersaBlade connectors offer a variety of circuit and cable sizes with different housing and TPA configurations.

Features Wide 1.78mm (0.070") male tab contact Dual-row system Positive lock Spring style mounting ears TPA secondary lock Hybrid types High current carrying capabilities Good heat dissipation/low engagement force Secure mating retention Prevents breakage Reliable terminal seating Accept both male and female terminals





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