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ICM-20602 InvenSense (應美盛) 運動傳感器

發布時間:2019/12/21 10:37:00 訪問次數:172 發布企業:深圳市維基鴻電子有限公司

ICM-20602 InvenSense (應美盛) 運動傳感器

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ICM-20602 編帶

The TDK InvensenseICM-20602isaHigh Performance 6-Axis MEMS MotionTracking™ Device The TDK Invensense ICM-20602 is a 6-axis MotionTracking device thatcombines a 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer, in a small 3x3x0.75mm (16-pin LGA) package. . High performance specs * Gyroscope sensitivity error: ±1% * Gyroscope noise: ±4mdps/Hz * Accelerometer noise: 100μg/Hz Includes 1K-byte FIFO to reduce traffic on the serial bus interface, and reduce power consumption by allowing the system processor to burst read sensor data and then go into a low-power mode EIS FSYNC support ICM-20602 includes on-chip 16-bit ADCs, programmable digital filters, an embedded temperature sensor, and programmable interrupts. The device features an operating voltage range down to 1.71V. Communication ports include I2C and high speed SPI at 10MHz.





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