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XCZU15EG-2FFVB1156I 熱賣全新原裝特價假一罰十

發布時間:2020/5/27 11:32:00 訪問次數:215

The Zynq UltraScale+™ MPSoCs are available in -3, -2, -1 speed grades, with -3E devices having the highest performance. The -2LE and -1LI devices can operate at a VccINT voltage at 0.85V or 0.72V and are screened for lower maximum static power. When operated at VccINT = 0.85V, using -2LE and -1LI devices, the speed specification for the L devices is the same as the -2I or -1I speed grades. When operated at VccINT = 0.72V, the -2LE and -1LI performance and static and dynamic power is reduced.

DC and AC characteristics are specified in extended (E) and industrial (I) temperature ranges. Except the operating temperature range or unless otherwise noted, all the DC and AC electrical parameters are the same for a particular speed grade (that is, the timing characteristics of a -1 speed grade extended device are the same as for a -1 speed grade industrial device). However, only selected speed grades and/or devices are available in each temperature range.

All supply voltage and junction temperature specifications are representative of worst-case conditions. The parameters included are common to popular designs and typical applications.



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