The RT6804 is a 3rd generation multicell battery stack monitor that measures up to 12 series connected battery cells with a total measurement error of less than 1.2mV. The cell measurement range of 0V to 5V makes the RT6804 suitable for most battery chemistries. All 12 cell voltages can be captured in 290μs, and lower data acquisition rates can be selected for high noise reduction.
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Multiple RT6804 devices can be connected in series, permitting simultaneous cell monitoring of long, high voltage battery strings. The RT6804 has an isoSPI interface for high speed, RF-immune, local area communications. Using the RT6804-1, multiple devices are connected in a daisy-chain with one host processor connection for all devices.
RT6804-1Additional features include passive balancing for each cell, an on-board 5V regulator, and 5 general purpose I/O lines. In sleep mode, current consumption is reduced to 4μA. The RT6804 can be powered directly from the battery, or from an isolated supply
15kRad (SI) Total Ionizing Dose (TID) per MILSTD-883 TM1019 Condition A
Single Event Effect (LET) Threshold Linear Energy Transfer (LET) ≥ 21.17MeV-cm2/mg
Processed Using MIL-PRF-38535 Class N and PEM-INST-001 as a Guideline
TID and SEE Reports Available
Measures Up to 12 Battery Cells in Series
Stackable Architecture Supports 100s of Cells
Built-In isoSPI™ Interface:
1Mbps Isolated Serial Communications
Uses a Single Twisted Pair, Up to 100 Meters
Low EMI Susceptibility and Emissions
1.2mV Maximum Total Measurement Error
290μs to Measure All Cells in a System
Synchronized Voltage and Current Measurement
16-Bit Delta-Sigma ADC with Frequency Programmable 3rd Order Noise Filter
Engineered for ISO26262 Compliant Systems
Passive Cell Balancing with Programmable Timer
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RT6804HG-1 RT6804-1
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