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發布時間:2020/7/8 9:36:00 訪問次數:152 發布企業:深圳市徠派德電子有限公司

Eclypse Z7 Measurement Bundle Digilent’s Eclypse Z7 bundle is the perfect platform for embedded measurement system

Image of Digilent's Eclypse Z7 BundleDigilent’sEclypse Z7 bundle offers a complete solution to create high-speed instrumentation, control, and measurement systems for edge computing, medical, and communications applications. The bundle includes Eclypse Z7, the Zmod ADC 1410, and Zmod DAC 1411; both Zmods with 100 MSPS, 14-bit converters. The bundle can be customized by adding different Zmods.

The Eclypse Z7 features a Zynq® 7020 FPGA SoC from Xilinx and two high-speed connectors using SYZYGY standards, which pairs with the Digilent Zmod family to allow for high-performance I/O. Users can plug-in application-specific Zmods and get up and running in hours or days instead of weeks or months.

The Zmod ADC 1410 is equipped with Analog Devices’ AD9648, the dual-channel, high-speed, low-power, 14-bit, 105 MS/s analog to digital converter (ADC). Driven by the SYZYGY carrier, the Zmod ADC can acquire two simultaneous signals (1 MΩ, ±25 V, single-ended, 14-bit, 100 MS/s, 70 MHz+ bandwidth). The analog inputs can be connected to a circuit using SMA cables.

The Zmod DAC 1411 is equipped with Analog Devices’ AD9717 the dual-channel, high-speed, low-power, 14-bit, 125 MS/s digital to analog converter (DAC). Driven by the SYZYGY carrier, the Zmod DAC can generate two simultaneous signals (50Ω, ±5 V, single-ended, 14-bit, 100 MS/s, 40 MHz+ bandwidth). The analog outputs can be connected to a circuit using SMA cables.

The bundle comes with a free example project to show users the implementation of a basic signal processing application on the Eclypse Z7 bundles.

Features Three options available:
Eclypse Z7 + Zmod ADC 1410 + Zmod DAC 1411 Eclypse Z7 + two Zmod ADC 1410 Eclypse Z7 + two Zmod DAC 1411 Eclypse Z7: Zynq-7000 SoC development board
Zynq-7000 APSoC 1 GiB DDR3L with 32-bit bus @ 1066 MT/s Gigabit Ethernet PHY Two ports follow the SYZYGY standard interface specifications Zmod ADC 1410
Channels: two single-ended Resolution: 14-bit, sample rate (real-time): 100 MS/s Analog bandwidth: 70 MHz+ @ 3 dB, 30 MHz @ 0.5 dB, 20 MHZ @ 0.1 dB Zmod DAC 1411
Channels: two single-ended Resolution: 14-bit, sample rate (real-time): 100 MS/s. Analog bandwidth: 40 MHz @ 3 dB, 20 MHz @ 0.5 dB, 14 MHz @ 0.1dB Applications Instrumentations Measurements systems Communications Software Zmod Base Library User Guide






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