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ITG-3701 InvenSense (應美盛) 陀螺儀

發布時間:2020/9/17 9:22:00 訪問次數:222 發布企業:深圳市維基鴻電子有限公司

ITG-3701 InvenSense (應美盛) 陀螺儀

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TheITG-3701is the world’s widest full scale range (FSR) 3-axis MEMS gyroscope for high impact wearable and high speed motion applications . The ITG-3701 also offers the smallest size, lowest profile and lowest power, ideal for wearable applications in sports and concussion analysis. Today’s wearable sports applications require higher than the common ±2000 dps (degrees per second) FSR so that critical data is not lost at the point of impact. The ±4000 dps range of the ITG-3701 enables precise analysis of a golf or tennis racquet swing, soccer ball and basketball applications providing continuous data before, during and after impact. The TDK Invensense ITG-3701 directly addresses the wearable sports market technology requirements with lowest power consumption of only 5.9mW (3.3mA at 1.8V), extending battery life and an industry first 0.75mm height. Application Notes Click Here - Introduction to Gyro"s Click Here - Handling and Assembly Guide Click Here - Accelerometer and Gyro Designs Click Here - Compass-Magnetometer





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