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ITG-1010 InvenSense (應美盛) 陀螺儀

發布時間:2020/9/17 9:34:00 訪問次數:324 發布企業:深圳市維基鴻電子有限公司

ITG-1010 InvenSense (應美盛) 陀螺儀

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Inclinometer 3-Axis Digital I2C/SPI ±250° to ±2000° 16Pin QFN T/R

High Performance 3-Axis MEMS Gyroscope in 3x3mm Package The TDK InvensenseITG-1010is a 3-axis MotionTracking device that includes a 3-axis gyroscope in a small 3x3x0.9 mm (16-pin QFN) package. High performance specs Gyroscope sensitivity error: ±3% Gyroscope noise: 0.0 1dps/Hz Includes 512-byte FIFO to reduce traffic on the serial bus interface, and reduce power consumption by allowing the system processor to burst read sensor data and then go into a low-power mode. ITG-1010 includes on-chip 16-bit ADCs, programmable digital filters, an embedded temperature sensor, and programmable interrupts. The device features an operating voltage range down to 1.71V. Communication ports include I2C and high speed SPI.





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