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燁弘軒電子 www.yhx-group.com 專業的IC買購在線平臺,大量庫存現貨,為您提供最全面的電子元件;保證原裝正品,堅持零退貨,零缺陷的質量保證,交貨快捷,價格最優!
The ADuM4221/ADUM4221-1 are 4 A isolated, half bridge gate drivers that employ the Analog Devices, Inc., iCoupler® technology to provide independent and isolated high-side and low-side outputs. The ADuM4221/ADUM4221-1 provide 5700 V rms isolation in an increased creepage wide body, 16-lead SOIC_IC. Combining high speed CMOS and monolithic transformer technology, these isolation components provide outstanding performance characteristics superior to the alternatives, such as the combination of pulse transformers and gate drivers.
The isolators operate with a logic input voltage ranging from 2.5 V to 6.5 V, providing compatibility with lower voltage systems. In comparison to gate drivers employing high voltage level translation methodologies, the ADuM4221/ADUM4221-1 offer the benefit of true, galvanic isolation between the input and each output.
The ADuM4221/ADUM4221-1 each have built in overlap protection and allow dead time adjustment. A single resistor between the dead time pin (DT) and the GND1 pin sets the dead time on the secondary side between the high-side and the low-side outputs.
An internal thermal shutdown (TSD) sets outputs low if the internal temperature on the ADuM4221/ADUM4221-1 exceeds the TSD temperature. As a result, the ADuM4221/ADUM4221-1 provide reliable control over the switching characteristics of the insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)/metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) configurations over a wide range of positive or negative switching voltages.

ADUM4221-1-fbl.png?la=zh&h=270" />


Switching power supplies
Isolated IGBT/MOSFET gate drives
Industrial inverters
Gallium nitride (GaN)/silicon carbide (SiC) compatible
1 Protected by U.S. Patents 5,952,849; 6,873,065; 7,075,239. Other patents pending.
4 A peak current (<2 Ω RDSON_x)
2.5 V to 6.5 V logic input voltage
4.5 V to 35 V output supply voltage
UVLO VDD1 positive going threshold: 2.5 V maximum
Multiple UVLO options for VDDA and VDDB positive going threshold
Grade A: 4.5 V maximum
Grade B: 7.5 V maximum
Grade C: 11.6 V maximum
Precise timing characteristics
44 ns maximum propagation delay
Adjustable dead time and dual input (ADuM4221)
Adjustable dead time and single input (ADUM4221-1)
CMOS input logic levels
High common-mode transient immunity: 150 kV/μs
High junction temperature operation: 125°C
Default low output
Safety and regulatory approvals (pending)
UL recognition per UL 1577
5700 V rms for 1 minute duration
CSA Component Acceptance Notice 5A (pending)
VDE certificate of conformity (pending)
DIN V VDE V 0884-11: VIORM = 849 V peak

Increased creepage wide body, 16-lead SOIC_IC

ADUM4221-1-pc.png?la=zh&h=270" />

深圳市燁弘軒電子有限公司 重點客戶遍布中國內地 港 澳 臺地區,另外歐美發達國家以及 一代一路沿線發展中國家我司也有大量長期合作的優質客戶。
深圳市燁弘軒電子有限公司 為一般納稅人 可開具13%增值稅票 有合作基礎可申請月結,延長賬期等多種靈活的供貨付款方式。
公司經營目標:整合全球資源, 全 芯 全意為您服務。
主要客戶: 特種模塊電源 儀器儀表 微波通信 以及為客戶提供整機BOM配套。
聯系方式: 您可以通過下面任意一種方式 聯系到我們
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肖志鵬(Eric )先生
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郵箱 (E-mail): yhx_group_demi@126.com
微信(weixin): yhx13691673680
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