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Quectel 2G Modules

發布時間:2020/10/29 15:44:00 訪問次數:303 發布企業:深圳市和諧世家電子有限公司

Quectel Wireless Solutions 2G Modules feature a compact size, ultra-low power consumption, and extended temperature range. The highly compact, low power 2G Modules offer a low profile and small size with surface mounted technology, allowing easy embedding into low-volume applications. The Quectel 2G Modules provide many excellent features and are ideal for a wide variety of applications.

FEATURES Easier soldering process Low power consumption Extremely compact Embedded powerful Internet service protocols, multiple Sockets & IP addresses APPLICATIONS M2M Wearables Smart metering Automotive M65 PACKAGE SIZE Quectel 2G Modules M66 PACKAGE SIZE Quectel 2G Modules M90 PACKAGE SIZE Quectel 2G Modules M95 PACKAGE SIZE Quectel 2G Modules



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