The LTC2672-16 is a five-channel, 16-bit current source, digital-to-analog converter (DAC) that provides five high compliance current source outputs with guaranteed 600 mV dropout at 200 mA. There are eight current ranges that are programmable per channel with full-scale outputs of up to 300 mA. The channels can be paralleled to allow either ultrafine adjustments of large currents or combined outputs of up to 1.5 A. A dedicated supply pin is provided for each output channel. Each channel can be operated from 2.1 V to VCC, and internal switches allow any output to be pulled to the optional negative supply. The LTC2672-16 includes a precision integrated 1.25 V reference (10 ppm/°C maximum), with the option to use an external reference. The serial peripheral interface (SPI) compatible, 3-wire serial interface operates on logic levels as low as 1.71 V and at clock rates as high as 50 MHz.
Note than throughout this data sheet, multifunction pins, such as CS/LD, are referred to by the entire pin name or by a single function of the pin.
Per channel programmable output current ranges: 300 mA, 200 mA, 100 mA, 0 mA, 25 mA, 12.5 mA, 6.25 mA, and 3.125 mA
LTC2672-16-fbl.png?h=270" />
Flexible 2.1 V to VCC output supply voltages
Flexible single- or dual-supply operation0.6 V maximum dropout voltage guaranteed
Separate voltage supply per output channel
Internal switches to optional negative supply
Full 16-bit resolution at all ranges
Guaranteed operation −40°C to 125°C (H-grade)
Precision internal reference (10 ppm/°C maximum VREF temperature coefficient) or external reference
Analog multiplexer monitors voltages and currents
A/B toggle via SPI or dedicated pin
1.71 V to VCC digital I/O supply
32-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP]
LTC2672LTC2672-16-pc.png?h=270" />
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