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MAX77950EVKIT# MAX77950 有現貨 可添加我們聯系方式獲取最優惠價格
The MAX77950 evaluation kit (EV kit) is a fully assembled and tested PCB that evaluates the MAX77950 advanced wireless power receiver IC. The IC meets the specification requirements for WPC low-power (v1.2) and PMA SR1 (v2.0) communication protocols and operates using nearfield magnetic induction when coupled with WPC or PMA transmitters, providing up to 12W of output power.
The EV kit comes with a planar coil to receive or transmit power wirelessly, as well as Windows®-based software that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to evaluate the functions of the device.
關鍵特性Ready-to-Go EV Kit with Receiver Coil
Multiple Test Points to Measure Output Voltage (VOUT), Rectifier Output Voltage (VRECT), and AC Voltage
Graphical User Interface (GUI) Software for the Multifunction Test
LED Indication to Monitor Operation
RoHS Compliant
Proven PCB Layout
Fully Assembled and Tested