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TI TMS37157

發布時間:2009/11/25 10:17:01 訪問次數:747

ti公司的tms37157把低頻收發器接口和spi接口與功率管理組合在一起,非常適合任何配置,數據采集,傳感器遙控制應用.tms37157工作電壓2v到3.6v,超低的功耗,工作時功耗為150ua,降功耗模式為60na.本文介紹tms37157主要特性,廣泛的應用范圍,方框圖,功率管理框圖, 和直接連接到電池的mcu應用電路,以及mcu連接到tms37157 vbati輸出的應用電路.

the tms37157 combines a low frequency transponder interface with an spi interface and power management for a connected microcontroller. it is the ideal device for any configuration, data logger-, sensoror remote control application. the transponder memory is accessible through spi and lf and, in the second case, operates without the need for a battery. the use of the low frequency band ensures a communication in a defined direction and harsh environments.

the tms37157 manages the transponder communication and push button interaction. during sleep state the devices enters a special low power mode with only 60 na current consumption.

the eeprom memory is accessible over the lf interface without support from the battery or through spi by a microcontroller if a battery is connected. the tms37157 offers a special battery charge mode.

the external resonance circuit with a lf coil and a resonance capacitor can be trimmed to the correct resonance frequency with the integrated trimming capability achieving an easy way to eliminate part tolerances.

the small rsa 16-pin package together with only a few external components results in a cost efficient design.




圖2.tms37157 功率管理


圖3.mcu連接到tms37157 vbati輸出的應用電路
ti公司的tms37157把低頻收發器接口和spi接口與功率管理組合在一起,非常適合任何配置,數據采集,傳感器遙控制應用.tms37157工作電壓2v到3.6v,超低的功耗,工作時功耗為150ua,降功耗模式為60na.本文介紹tms37157主要特性,廣泛的應用范圍,方框圖,功率管理框圖, 和直接連接到電池的mcu應用電路,以及mcu連接到tms37157 vbati輸出的應用電路.

the tms37157 combines a low frequency transponder interface with an spi interface and power management for a connected microcontroller. it is the ideal device for any configuration, data logger-, sensoror remote control application. the transponder memory is accessible through spi and lf and, in the second case, operates without the need for a battery. the use of the low frequency band ensures a communication in a defined direction and harsh environments.

the tms37157 manages the transponder communication and push button interaction. during sleep state the devices enters a special low power mode with only 60 na current consumption.

the eeprom memory is accessible over the lf interface without support from the battery or through spi by a microcontroller if a battery is connected. the tms37157 offers a special battery charge mode.

the external resonance circuit with a lf coil and a resonance capacitor can be trimmed to the correct resonance frequency with the integrated trimming capability achieving an easy way to eliminate part tolerances.

the small rsa 16-pin package together with only a few external components results in a cost efficient design.




圖2.tms37157 功率管理


圖3.mcu連接到tms37157 vbati輸出的應用電路



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